Saturday, January 22

blessed are the peacemakers

EFP is amazing. i will from now on be much more involved with it. i will from now on be a better and brighter person. i will not forget what i learned today.

i realized today how utterly selfish i am, despite all my hippieistic tendancies. my blog thus far has been self-centered, terrible and all-in-all not very fun to read. my audiences have been incredibly sweet about leaving friendly comments and emails and generally cheering me up and making me feel pretty damn good, and i am determined in return to make my blog simultaneously profound, hilarious and true to life from now on. this may be difficult, as i'm not all that funny and only vaguely perceive life, and am far too much of a thinker to give a simple decision on anything profound, but i will attempt. this i swear. (*neotokyo!*)

and don't you dare leave a post after this.

on a different note, i love othello. with a fierce passion. the play, not the character. the character really pisses me off. who does he think he is, marrying this woman and then killing her at the tiniest suspicion of her infidelity? it's really not all that hard to figure those things out, either. i mean, come on. anyway...

i love you all. gotta write my essay.
i really shouldn't be this happy about it.

Who links to me?