Sunday, June 5

Sweet Coconut Girl

(Footnote: that's not a song title. Or if it is, it was unintentional. It just came into my head. Sounds like one, though.)

I'm going to go insane if I don't write.

I hate finals.

I'm in love with Thomas Hardy.

I AM Jude the Obscure.

I'm so, so doomed.

Funny. I wrote a long post defending my sanity last night but this morning I just couldn't bring myself to post it.

Harry called me. "Jesus," I said. "Your ring tone terrifies me."
"I'm sorry! (Giggle) Hey, V... do you like coconuts?"
"I'm coming over, by the way."
"I'm studying!"
"I'll just stay for five minutes."
"Are you bringing a coconut?"
"(Giggle) No... why would I be bringing a coconut?"
"I don't know, you're crazy!"
"Veronica. Don't be silly. Where would I get a coconut?"
"From a street vendor?"
"No. There's no coconut."
"Are you sure?"

It went on like that for a while. Then he showed up at my door with a coconut. We had to hammer a chisel into it on my kitchen counter. That's what you get for dating... well, someone like Harry. Tuxedoes and coconuts.

So now I'm a Sweet Coconut Girl taking pictures and thinking about the Creedence Clearwater concert this Wednesday and desperately longing to be Thomas Hardy, or at least Jude the Obscure.

I didn't think I was going to like the book.

I took a walk today.
Everyone in the world should have a harmonica.
I jammed with a hobo.
It was awesome.
I felt like Amanda.
He was really cool.
I just need some roller skates...

Yeah, so. Random photos. Here.

This is the Naval Academy's graduation. This photo makes me sad somehow, even though everyone in it is just glad to be out of college. I think they're saluting or something.

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These are Renata's pretty shoes. I just had to try them on.

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Me wearing Renata's pretty shoes. I like that mirror a lot.

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My family on my Dad's side. Some of them are cool. Nico--the one with his head tilted to the left--is a lot like me. He's a Russian Lit major.

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My sister is so awesome. This is a terrible shot of her, but I'm going to post it anyway because it has a mood to it.

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Maybe later I'll post funny pictures of me and Harry making faces.

Or maybe not.

3 New Ideas

New Ideas:
Blogger Frankie thinks...

Ooh, what kind of a bird is that? (The one in the cage behind Renata in the last photo.)

Yes, I have a one-track mind.

9:53 AM  
Blogger VVM thinks...

It's a cockatiel, and a very unfriendly one. She sings a lot.

Everyone has a one-track mind. Some just have different focuses.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Harris Wolf thinks...

veronica you slanderer you!

First off I *never* said that I *didn't* have a coconut. I just never said that I did either. It was the subtle art of coconut introduction... Apparently it was *lost* on you!


Also... I do not *giggle* I *chuckle* and I *grin*

... perhaps I may *titter* at times.

-I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts- love-bogo-san

11:35 PM  

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