Friday, October 21

tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun

Today I accidentally told Matt and Clark that Travis was cooler than them. They didn't mind, I don't think, but it was awkward for half a minute before it was normal again. I ran an editor's meeting by myself and interrupted one of Donovan's classes to tell him that I couldn't make the meeting and to ask the kids where Renata was. I think he was a little pissed, honestly, and it made me sad, because I love him. Karma came full circle, though; I had a conversation with Bram right afterwards that made me realize that he doesn't really hate me, and that he doesn't think I hate him, either. It doesn't hurt that there's an article in this issue about how well the soccer team that he now coaches has done this season.

I got ungrounded for tonight, so I can see Harry! He's still going to be gone this weekend, and the Cream tickets are preventing me from seeing him on Monday, though, which is making me upset.

And guess what?
My friends DID come to my rescue that night. I just didn't know it.
I can't explain how good it made me feel to know that when people are seriously ganging up on me, I have friends who'll support me.

I owe you guys a huge thank-you. This means Clark and Lucas and Matt and Harry. I love you all. SO much.

And tap class with Lucas and Danny Landau and RCP and a few more is awesome.

I'll post some pictures of France and Austria and Germany later. I realized the other day that I never so much as put them on my wall. I need to sort through them and pick favorites and such.

I am feeling cheerful, probably as a result of the aforementioned ^.

(PS and maybe because I ate two cupcakes. Don't tell.)

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