Tuesday, October 11

don't expect me to lie to you

I quote: "The power men [or women] possess to annoy me, I give them by a weak curiosity. No man can come near me but through my act."

In other news, we hit deadline today. I was afraid for a moment that we wouldn't be able to make the issue, but everyone came through, even Burke, and we're ready to hit layout. The only thing standing in my way now is the muddled mess of next week--skipping half of Wednesday and finishing all my work on Friday--and my unfamiliarity with InDesign. I think I can make it.

Blogger works differently here.

Our history teacher bought us all Starbucks this morning. I couldn't believe it. It goes unsaid that when Rachel says "I vote we take a class trip to Starbucks," she's joking, but Ms. Reyes in her awesomeness just set the date and took us.

I don't care what they say. Junior year is pretty easy. The only class that's hard for me, ironically, is Spanish. And Zippy's math class, but that's a given. I end up with all this free time, and it makes my parents nervous. They're convinced I'm failing while in reality I just got lucky.

I'm too bored to give descriptions of everything. I talked to Lauren and went to Vermont and worked at UBC (so relaxing!) and saw "2001: A Space Odyssey" and Elena and Amanda, briefly, and generally had a good weekend, and even found someone who talked about Dostoevsky with me when cashiering was slow and helped me feel a little more sane. I'm really starting to love it. I'll get around to posting some quotes when I get further in. Anyway, the bell's about to ring.

2 New Ideas

New Ideas:
Blogger CrazedCommando thinks...

It's nice that we're all happy, but would you please fix my name on your blog tab there? Thanks in advance.

5:27 PM  
Blogger VVM thinks...

sorry, I forgot about that. I had a friend when I was younger who spelled it "Elai," that's where I got my interpretation. It should be fixed.

8:28 PM  

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