Monday, September 19

just a little cloud with some dust in its eye

School's not as hard as I thought it would be. The new teachers are easy, and the harder ones are in subjects I can handle. Although Barry's pissed off at Chris and I and I feel horrible about the whole thing.

My mom told me that ever since I was six months old I haven't been able to sleep well. She said I "always have thoughts in your head" and need to learn how to relax. I think she's onto something.

I rode my bike to 98th st. today. Riding up there was scary, frankly, and a pain in the ass. I rode home quickly, though, and it was easy and leisurely and I rode next to Central Park for half of the ride, which was lovely.

Things I do too much:
read (at inconvenient times, like during lectures or while walking)
buy books that I don't get around to reading for years
act cold because I don't know how I want to act
talk about Harry to single people
not-sleep at night
eat jello, even though it's not that unhealthy
skip breakfast
sing when I'm walking down the hall or down the street
wake up early and get up to see the sun rise instead of trying to sleep again
spent a lot of time in the shower
shamelessly expose hairy legs, pits, etc.
get excited about jazz vocal
take my sister to parties that turn out to be dull
take my sister to cool parties and then leave her there
bike without a helmet
try to set up Jack2 and Jill
call people dorky, since I'm really not one to talk
read sci-fi/fantasy (but only really, REALLY GOOD s-f-f)
check my gmail from school
check my favorite webcomics from school
bruise myself
poke at my zits in the mirror
play poker
forget my homework at home
forget my books at school
forget to call people
forget to feed the plants/fish
go to the reading room because I know it's empthy
google authors and bookmark the pages
avoid people
look for an Onion every Thursday and carry it until I've finished it
question my friends' interest in me
think about the newspaper
talk about the newspaper
think about myself
talk in English
look in mirrors
carry deodorant in my backpack
read four books at once and carry all of them all day
miss Harry
play Hexxagon

2 New Ideas

New Ideas:
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

what did I say before. Seriously. WHAT did I say BEFORE.

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

wtf? you can't carry deoderant "too much." you either do or you don't. it's like a "do you eat meat" type thing. and since when was that a bad thing? oh and if jill is who i think it is then haven't you only done that once? and what's wrong with reading the onion? you can't do it too much. and like, it's every thursday. it's a regular occurence it's not like you're choosing to do read every day. and so what if you carry it? and also whats wrong with questioning a friend's interest in you? and going to the reading room? or googling autors? i'm not saying you are some kind of angel because i do agree with some of what you said except you make up the silliest things to like, be annoyed at yourself about. and i know i'm taking this list more seriously than it is but whatev. you are insane. oh and by the way i saw "and the australians were like 'wtf mate'" written on a railing at great adventure. sorry but i just thought of that cuz i scrolled up and saw i wrote wtf. anyways yeah. and come protest with me or i will poo on you.

7:50 PM  

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