Wednesday, September 14

the honey from the bee, the shellfish from the sea, the earth, the wind, a girl, someone to share these things with me...

That's The Mama's & the Papas' "Chimney Sweep," one of my favorite songs. It's truly beautiful.

Today was rather uneventful. I shouted myself hoarse trying to get people to write for the Newspaper. I got about thirty kids, at the expense of my voice. I wore a dress, because Rachel, Oona and I all agreed to wear one, but Rachel forgot and I felt a little silly. Oona's dress was gorgeous. Mine was kind of flapper-ish. I tried to buy jewelry for my mom's birthday at a thrift shop after school, but it was closed, and I ended up buying myself underwear at Urban Outfitters with the money instead. I wrote a story about going to a boring party for Sr. QuiƱones, and the sad part was that it was true. Hopefully this saturday will be more lively.

I had to write a biography of myself for History. I had no idea what to write. It has to be third person, like a bio of someone else. It just ended up sounding stupid. Is this who I am? I thought, rereading it. I didn't bother to rewrite it, even though it was horrible, because I'm lazy. It gave me a very strange feeling.

I also have severe Harry-deprivation-related lonliness. Harry, if you're reading this--and I know you are--can we try to work something out so that we get to see each other more than once a week? I can't do this without you, and besides, I don't really want to. I don't think you do, either.

Anyway, I was feeling a little pathetic this afternoon, having finished all my homework before dinner and checked all of my usual sites. Then I checked my Gmail and found a comment from this guy, my shrink, idol and friend. It made my day.

Ugh. I don't feel like blogging right now. Besides, I'm hungry. More later. Maybe.

1 New Ideas

New Ideas:
Blogger VVM thinks...

I'm SO SICK of blog spam! You guys all have to type things now to prove you're not robots. I can't handle seeing "14 comments" show up when 13 of them are spam. Not that there were 14 comments. But still.

4:21 PM  

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