Elena and I are starting a webcomic togethern (nothing there yet), and you'll have to email me if you want the URL of the crappy poetry blog, since it's off my profile.
Europe was so magical that I have decided not to describe it. Maybe I'll post some of my photos when they get developed.
Edit: made the first comic!
Europe was so magical that I have decided not to describe it. Maybe I'll post some of my photos when they get developed.
Edit: made the first comic!
3 New Ideas
New Ideas:-
Anonymous thinks...
- 11:28 PM
Anonymous thinks...
- 3:28 PM
Anonymous thinks...
- 1:27 AM
That's really cool. You should get Harry to help you since he would have his own webcomic alreadyby except that he's really lazy. He's disproved entire schools of philosophy by how lazy he is, because it wasn't supposed to be possible. Tell the old fellow that I say hi.
By the way, this is Zack saying hi...from College!
yo, dude, like wtf, why haven't you posted in like a hundred years. like wha? I am confused. And you are destroying like, everything. I mean seriously, what am I supposed to do when I'm bored at 4:09 am and noone is online and I can't call anyone and everything is pooey? This is so weird cuz I'm like advocating your blogness which is weird cuz before I thought you blogged excessively and unhealthily and i thought blogs were for silly people who like to hear themselves talk (you know all this- not like you are like that or anything) and who should simply speak to their friends instead of blogging about them....and now i'm like "wtf dude, blog." well whatever. but don't go crazy blogging now. i was really just like "woah, what happened here." people are seriously slacking in the blog department. actually, next time you blog I want you to call me so you can tell me what you blogged about. cuz then I can hear stories and I like stories. yay stories. ok yeah, i want you to tell me a story every time you blog. and if i see a blog post and you didn't call me to tell me a story I will call you and force you to tell me a story or i will bore you with one of MY stories. (dude, like i mean my "good story tell it again" stories and my "and then I found five dollars" stories, so yeah, this means serious business.) ok got it? good. not like we don't talk enough WITHOUT you telling me what you blogged about on a given day. anyways YAY. oh and by the way, guess what else I did as a result of my extreme extreme extreme extreme extreme extreem boredom. I went to every single one of those sites you are linked to. (yes I am a loser, my life is that sad, and I have that much time on my hands. actually really though, it's like 4:18, i don't really have any other options) so yeah, they were craaaazy. omg, the "art is for losers" thing was sooooo messed up. i was just like "dude, what is this." and a lot of the other blogs were just weird. oh yeah, and asher sarlin hasn't posted in a while which pisses me off. and what is dino comics? it took me to like, this financial site thingy. or maybe it was a joke and i was just too stupid to get it. dude remember how you like, had to explain EVERY joke on that website once? yeah. oh and the post secret thing was the most interesting. i realized that you had read the majority of them to me over the phone but it was cool to see the pictures. i wanna like, send something but i don't know what to send. maybe i'll make up some really crazy secret and then everyone will be like "woah." dude lets send one. omfg it would be so cool. oh we should both send them and guess which one is ours. i mean like eachothers. execpt that would probably be too easy for both of us to guess. poo. oh well. aaaaaannnnyways....... i will call you tommorow....ya. dude we have to do something cuz like SUMMER IS OOOOOVER.NOOOOOOOOOOOO,...rrrRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAR. ra. we didn't chill enough. or at all. omfg. not like other summers. i feel like we used to chill a lot more in the other ones. whatever. ok yeah bye bye.
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