Friday, February 10

As I walked up the stairs with Dan Y. (who's sitting at the computer next to me as I type) after our last jazz vocal rehearsal before the bus ride, I said something about how wide the scope of human emotions is, how many different ways and states of being we experience, and how strange it is to feel happy and see someone who's having an awful day with the knowledge that a week ago you were each in the opposite place.

"It's like being sick and knowing that other people feel well, but not being able to remember how it feels," I said.
"Or like when you have to pee really badly."

I think this trip will be okay.

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Blogger Frankie thinks...

Interestingly: One year ago, I was too sick to go on the jazz vocal trip, and I spent the entire day being sick and knowing that other people felt well but not being able to remember how it felt.

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

so here I am, browsing the internet, not doing my homework and what do I come upon? vivi's blog! not only that, I come upon a story that made me genuinely laugh out loud. that Dan Y. is a truly awesome person. also, I really, really like your writing style.
--Dan Yawitz

6:26 PM  

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