Sunday, February 12

I'm not going to write anything about it on v-day, because that would be tacky, but let me say in advance that I really truly deeply love him. I don't know how to appreciate him enough. He's the only person in the world who can leave me wordless. He comes in at just the right moment, when I really feel like crap, and leaves me feeling not mediocre but really worthy of love, which I realize afterwords says much more about him than about me.

1 New Ideas

New Ideas:
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

"He comes in at just the right moment, when I really feel like crap, and leaves me feeling not mediocre but really worthy of love, which I realize afterwords says much more about him than about me."

I don't think you give yourself enough credit, Veronica. The fact that you make him into his best - and even just seeing you two together only once, I can say this truthfully, that you two have some weird aura connection thing going on in which you both create an enlightened state of being within each other - anyway, as I was saying, the fact that you make him into his best means he is merely repaying you for how awesome you are by making you feel worthy. I'm sure you do the same for him :)
p.s. - you're probably going, "who is this crazy random person commenting in my blog?" It's kate (zack's g/f), and if it's weird to you that I read this I won't anymore, it's just you're a good writer and a really interesting person in general, so I do.
Anywho, have a good day in the snow :)

7:39 AM  

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