Saturday, March 19

I'm Henry VIII, I am!

Today Rachel and I cut Bram's class (we had a sub anyway) to consume carbohydrates in Union Square and discuss our boyfriends. We all went to St.'s Alp after school and had tea (I discovered the Juliet Special... mmmmm...) and then watched Death Factory, a hilariously bad movie. Harry and I walked a ways with Oona and then went to his house; we got philosophical and emotional (don't really feel like talking/blogging about that, though) and ate dinner and watched part of a Miyazaki movie about a character that he thinks is a lot like me, which was good.

Whew. Got that out of my system. Now I can really blog.

My sister and my dad are skiing in Vermont right now, so it's just my mom and me and an empty ol' house. My mom's in bed right now; I should be, but I read more David Sedaris on the subway and started laughing--howling--right out loud, and now I'm antsy. Everyone on the train just stared at me, but I couldn't stop. I was in a great mood, and my rib cage literally started to ache after a while. It was excellent. I'm at the part in Naked where he's describing Ya-Ya, the Greek grandmother who does all sorts of crazy things like licking the pastor's shoes when they take her to church (in hopes of helping her make friends) and such. It's amazing, and I owe Sharpie a big mug of bubble-tea for lending it to me.

Anyway, I was so excited about the book that I decided to relish it and not read it too quickly; however, the Sedaris-ish mood of the book wouldn't leave me, and I needed entertainment. To sum it up, I reread all nine weeks (!) of my own Blogger archives. And realized that it's gone to pot lately. The last entry was OK, I think, if a bit wordy; but how did my posts go from short, sincere and mildly witty to long and boring? I guess it was the whole 'writer's block' thing. Dammit.

My grammar's not that great, either. I think the internet makes me lazy.

I think I need to find the blogger that I was a month ago and return her to her rightful throne at the head of Dark-Eyed Gypsy. Because she's me. I mean, I'm her. I mean... whatever.

One thing I've noticed is that as I've become progressively more aware of my audience, my blog posts have become successively worse. Dammit. I wish I knew who reads this thing. I tried getting a sitemeter, but the website was cheap and kept saying that nobody had seen this, even though a bunch of comments showed up, so somebody must have visited.

This is more like the blog--and blogger--of Dark-Eyed Gypsy that I know and love. Mmmm. Craziness.

It's too late for this. Too early for this, technically. About 1 AM. Oops.
I'm too sleepy to have good grammar or cater to an audience.

Yesterday, when Harry suggested that I update, I actually said "No, I'm going to wait 'till I get a few more comments on my last post before I update." I'm becoming my own antithesis. I can't believe I even thought of that. I'm going to revert to not caring about the number of comments on my post or what people will think of them, and to posting about what I feel and not what I've done.

I wish I'd gotten to know you seniors better... I've always been too self-conscious around old people (and by 'old people' I mean 'seniors') to get to know you (collective), and now that I know you a bit better, y'all're leaving without me! Tear.

Gah. I have nothing else to say. I want to keep some stuff for myself right now. (Please disregard this post, everyone; I'm tired and nothing makes much sense right now.) Screw this and screw the deep thoughts I was blogging in my head on the way home and screw saving the book for later. I'm going to go read some more. And then sleep a little. Maybe.

...and Veronica is back!


3 New Ideas

New Ideas:
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

You are awesome! 8^) You have a comment now! Yay!

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...


11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

ok sorry, the yo was just to make sure that the comment thingy worked cuz one time i wrote you one of my huge-ass comments and it didn't work and i was pissed. anyways so yeah, i'm commenting on like, the past 3 or 4 entries right now that i just read. 1st, dude, your blog DOES reflect your personality. you are you, and you can never be anyone else because you are awesome like that. you are genuine. and 2nd, dude, i'm sorry that I call you every day when you are at sushi places with harry and renata and i open with "dude I'm bored," but sadly, due to the true boringness of my life, I need to call you a lot because you are one of the like, 4 or 5 interesting people i know. but next time u can be like "dude, fuck off" and I shall go away. 3rd, I love your idea for a play, hehe, we are both writing plays. and i love how when you described each character it was like "nice rie, loving laura, lively lucas," (you did have some good alliteration or however you spell alliteration) etc, and then it's like magnificent, BITINGLY CYNICAL Elena. and at first i was like "ouch dude" but then I was like wow, I am soooo fucking bitingly cynical and I am amazed it hasn't killed anyone yet, even within like the first 5 minutes of talking to them. like remember my stories about me riding with "the asshole" in the car? it was like
asshole: "hey so how do you like hm?" elena: "It sucks. I mostly hang out with people from my old school." asshole: "oh." oh and remember that guy i told you about from the italy art thingy? mardean? one day he was like "ok you, ny girl, you just sit there completely silently and speak only to make a cynical comment. if you're going to be cynical, participate in the conversation." and I didn't care that he said that cuz he's even more cynical than me, if that is humanly possible. but i really am incredibly cynical. and I apologize for it. and i'm not offended by your comment, you did add the magnificent part, unless you meant that for oona cuz it was like, right after oona's name, in which case i'm still not offended. oh and lastly, i love you and you are not a bad friend and you can use my couch and all my shit whenever you want. and right now i'm laughing at this car commercial - the one where the guy talks funny and he's like "there's gonna be a dog down there..." and I think it's hilarious but my cousin is here and she doesn't get why i'm laughing but it makes me think that you would probably be like dude why the fuck are you laughing but like, with us it's chill cuz a lot of the time you don't get me and a lot of the time i don't get you but it's all chill cuz we're friends. anyways yeah, once again, sorry i wrote all this stuff that was more suitable for one of my own blog posts, and considering my livejournal revolution and all. so i will talk to you a time.
elena. i was about to sign it love bob but then i was like noooo...i say bob WAY to much...

11:44 PM  

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