Sunday, October 23

pictures of lily

Okay, so here's some stuff from my trip last summer. I just picked a few favorites; I have ten rolls of film here, so I had to limit it a bit. (I think there are sixteen.) They're from all over the place, mostly Strausburg, Ribeauville, Zurich, the Alps and parts of Austria and Germany.

And I wasn't trying to be artsy by tilting the pictures; I'm just not very good with a scanner.

Because I like whining: being grounded made me miss a Calhoun party and a concert and a "chill" and Harry, and I'm sad about it. My parents were talking about H.'s "future" over breakfast, which was depressing. Even the thrift market was closed yesterday, leaving me with a rather dull weekend, aside from Elena's play, which was amazing and ethereal and everything. Everyone read Christopher Durang.

To elaborate: Matt and I tried to buy clothes and failed, and we stopped by at Elena's place, and there was that awkward "remember when I crashed your birthday party?" conversation, and Elena had just woken up, so she just went "dude... yeah. Dude." and Nick was sick and I had to wash dishes so the whole thing just fell apart.

I woke up this morning under three blankets in nothing but a plaid shirt in a sixty-degree house with nothing but beans to warm me up.

They were, however, very good beans.

I hate MySpace. I wish I knew how to close my account.

And the title... I was listening to it last night, and... well, Lily sounds like a French name, I guess. Use your imagination!

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