Thursday, March 9

I kicked ass in English today until several people were nodding and I thought Sarah's head would fall off, but I'm still going to get a B+ because of that damn poetry test, and she didn't even give me any credit for identifying the random poem that wasn't by any of the writers. And I got an 82 on my bio test, which wasn't so bad because there were only a 94 and an 84 above me, but what the hell? Who gives a test that nobody can do well on? I hate him. I have to get an A in his fucking class and he's making it impossible on purpose.

In spite of these setbacks, I had a lovely day talking to underclassmen, drinking coffee, reading Look Out! by Gary Snyder, and thrift-shopping afterwards as a reward. I bought a jacket for Lauren, but I don't know if she'll like it.

I don't understand these teachers that are loaded or ingenius but still choose to teach at Friends, like Schubert, Fahey, Zippoli, Ted S. or Ms. Witt. Why? I don't even have any other options, and I still spend most of my day wishing I were out of school so I could spend more time on my education.

Today was the first time I'd ever heard "Hide your love away" and not become depressed instantly. It was more of an opposite-ends-of-the-spectrum feeling, a coexistence of sorts.

The shrink keeps staring at me and asking me how I'm doing. I usually smile and say I'm-fine-how-are-you and run off, feeling guilty. It's not that I couldn't use a shrink. But I really don't have anything to complain about, and if I can't manage to get by on my own now, without any real setbacks, I'll be screwed when the going gets tough and I don't have the money for a new shrink. She also seems really sensitive, and gives me this look like I'm rejecting her every time I don't go see her.

What the hell. Maybe I will.

Oh, and I linked to Bram's blog a few months ago in my sidebar, but I don't think anyone noticed. It's here, but it's not very personal or anything.

I've resumed my attempt to make brownies for DaSilva and will probably succeed sometime next week. Wish me luck!

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