Monday, May 15

I'd rather be respected than liked.
I'd rather be interesting than pretty.
I'd rather be happy than amusing.
I'd rather be smart than sexy.
I'd rather read than watch TV.
I'd rather eat mole with tortillas than eat all of the candy in the world.
I'd rather have love than sex.
I'd rather make art than money.
I'd rather write essays than write poems.
I'd rather be awake all night and sleep all day than do it the other way around.
I'd rather speak German than French.
I'd rather be homeless than have a boring job.
I'd rather be overworked than underworked.
I'd rather hear a harmonica and an upright bass than any other instruments.
I'd rather learn something cool than get an A.
I'd rather be proud than modest.
I'd rather be modest than condescending.

Rather suddenly seems like a very strange word. I can barely remember how to use it. I have a feeling that nothing I've just written makes any sense.

I promise that when finals are over I'll transcribe some stuff from my notebook and write something interesting for a change. Hell, maybe I'll even tackle politics. It could get wild.

1 New Ideas

New Ideas:
Blogger NEO-Kun thinks...

I'd rather read blogs than being bored!

8:02 PM  

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