Tuesday, November 29

the sign in the shop-window

Why? Because I feel like writing it. Maybe it will make me happy.

Things I love:

silver rings
old things with the colors faded and holes in the crushed velvet
eerie artists and writers
black ink pens
German plays
the English office
the Crevice, when it's empty
my sister
seeing my sister happy in high school
the smell of old books
Grimm fairy tales (I've been reading them a lot lately)
Elvis fanatics
people who go barefoot
going barefoot
old bicycles
doing things by myself
getting things done
getting emails
sparrows and fish--I don't know why
real conversations
being in love with Harry
being loved by Harry
being comfortable with people
sudden bursts of really good writing and inspiration
people who really like math
folk music
playing the harmonica
buying books
people with unusual glasses
eighties headphones
Taylor guitars
french food
people who have enough self-confidence to compliment people sincerely
superhero stories
kids who are serious
kids who aren't serious
my big mexican family
people who are well-read
feeling well-read
taking photos
camera shops
talking to strangers
the smell of concerts (pot, beer, sweat, cigarettes)
the smell of cigarettes (I don't smoke, but everyone else seems to)
reading under the covers
vintage slips
silky underwear
old wedding dresses
russian short stories
vinyl albums
upright basses
guys who are vegitarians
queen anne's lace (a kind of flower)
people who have cats but aren't weirdly obsessed with them
finding new restaurants
when people have unusual interests like millinery or whittling or abstract physics but don't brag about them
thrift shops and thrift markets
sugar popcorn
elaborate lampshades
stores that are on the second floor
sitting on my fire escape when the sun comes up in the summer
concerts my friends play
dancing, even though I suck at it
watching movies with people
being taken care of when I'm sick. Even though I get sick a lot, this never happens.
foreign languages
sci-fi or fantasy that's so good it excuses the rest of the genre
giving things to people that they like, like books or old clothes or ukeleles
rockabilly music
Child balads
painting with gesso
action figures
cloth with unusual patterns and textures
talking about poetry
indian soup
hearing about other people's happy relationships
weird-looking actors and actresses
beat poets
1920s and 30s fashion, especially the dresses with split capes and the haircuts
fabric stores
harware stores
going into churches to find the sixth station of the cross
old boxes
beautiful cover art on old paperbacks
the gay man in my lobby who used to be a dancer and has a dog named Gomez
little kids' drawings
finding rolls of film that I forgot I took and getting them developed
standing-room opera tickets
Harry's parents
rain in the summer
the Texas hill country
people who drink tea but aren't pretentious about it
when Renata and I speak in unison
when my plants don't die
eerie dreams
being given hand-knit things
polaroid cameras
other people's bookshelves
old mirrors and combs
people who listen to tapes
old cars and motorcycles
Swedish motorbikes

2 New Ideas

New Ideas:
Blogger Harris Wolf thinks...

i love you.

10:33 PM  
Blogger Sophie thinks...

That is a phenomenal list. I will try to make one up while not paying attention in class.

11:51 AM  

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