Monday, November 14

They say that our ore ain't worth diggin'

I have so many issues.

On a lighter note, I feel like I'm really getting to be a good biker.

And I bought glasses this weekend. I couldn't decide which ones I liked best, so I bought them both on the condition that I'm going to return one within the prescribed thirty days. Tell me which ones you prefer and then vote! As a disclaimer, I'll take y'all's opinions into consideration but will ultimately make the decision myself.

Another thing you should know is that I also have contacts, and wear a lot of dark red, so matching my wardrobe isn't that big of an issue.

They look less similar in real life.

PhotoBucket says I can't upload any more pictures this month, and Flickr doesn't let me use tags to blog my photos (each one becomes a seperate post), so I'm just just including a handy link so you can see all the pictures at once and then vote below that.

glasses here

Oh, and I got into a conversation about Edith Wharton's work at UBC with one of the customers, and then he noticed that I was reading one of Harry's dad's books and started going on about how great Eric was. I wholeheartedly agree.

I love Harry and I love his family. The whole bunch of them are wonderful.
My mom is getting on my nerves, and I'm trying as hard as I can not to resort to cookies.

Edited in later: I gave in and ate the cookies. And I hate Flickr.

1 New Ideas

New Ideas:
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

in these pictures the two glasses look identical... but i like them both

7:03 PM  

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