Tuesday, February 21

The phrase "the blues" as used in the music world has its origin in African folklore, where the blue devil caused misfortunes, which in turn caused the depression of the person whom the demon had visited. Some people get the blues when their lovers leave them, when they go broke, when they fall prey to drug habits, or just when anything really screws them over.

My blue devil is my period. I have everything else I could want but I still get that blue devil in a bad way. I get pains that knock me over and headaches and tiredness, but mostly I just get sad and feel disgusting for a little bit. Sometimes it makes me angry; sometimes it makes me hungry; sometimes it makes me sad. Right now I'm just sad and I don't know why. The whole apartment's cold and I'm shivering and trying to convince myself to go out, but I don't want anyone to see me cry and I don't want to get myself more upset. I'm afraid that if I call anyone I know, I'll just wind up getting pissed off at them. I feel like I've been poisoned.

Oh, and here's five photos. The color job was a $5 deal at CVS, so it's pretty crappy, and my scanner stretched everything horizontally, but whatever.

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1 New Ideas

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Blogger baystar23 thinks...


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i like your shots. atmospheric. honest. good stuff.


7:27 PM  

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