Tuesday, March 28

I'm sitting in Harry's room and he's been asleep for the last hour (he's really sick) so I've been reading and web-surfing and such. Been doing some studying, but I have to admit that I did the fun stuff first. Got 800s on two of the three sections of my practice test today. Harry's friends are nice to me.

Thanks for the encouragement, guys. It's a constant fight to keep my chin up, but so far I'm doing pretty well.

And Sophie, I don't know why I can't leave comments on your blog, but if you do end up coming to the city, mi apartamento es tuyo. And you can eat mexican food made by real mexicans to your heart's delight!

Rediscovering the joys of sleeping in, long hot baths when nobody's in the house, staying up late over Joyce and Walky, and ice cream with fudge for breakfast.

PS-No one low enough to criticize me anonymously over the internet can really insult me.

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