Friday, April 14

Thinking about some of my unusual tastes and habits I came to see another common thread this morning. I almost get high off of feeling self-sufficient. That's why I organize my events and work well even though I'm not naturally an organized person. It also explains why I'm so thrifty, why I don't shoplift, why I like making my own things, why I don't like big new stores (I was in Barnes & Noble today picking up an SAT book and it gave me the creeps), why I admire people who make strong and unusual personal statements, why I love walking through the city by myself... everything. The only thing that doesn't really fit into the picture is Harry, and after a few trials-by-fire I'm becoming more self-sufficient there, too, and am much happier for it. I had a more elaborate explanation ready in my head but looking at this now I guess it's not necessary.

Oh, and I got a new email: I was sick of the old one. Anything sent to my old address will be forwarded there.

I feel like I'm much more alive lately. I fill ten pages of my notebook a day and still feel like I haven't gotten down half of the noteworthy new things in my head.

My cousin's fianceƩ, Pete, is coming today. He's a neuroscientist and a great blues guitarist. He's marrying Veronica, who we used to call Big Veronica when I was little. I'm bigger than her now, but it's hard not to call her Big any more. We're trying to switch to Vern. Anyway, that should be fun.

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