Saturday, May 20

Harry and I had our anniversary. LK came home and made me pasta. Burrito Loco is once again crawling with grads. The newspaper is almost done. My english final is on Tuesday and I need to get an A on it in order to get one for the year. Missed Moll's show on Friday by accident but met Mike. Spent the whole afternoon doing layout and haven't touched my History paper yet. A glass of Bailey's made my uncle and aunt seem abrasive and obnoxious. Arguing about whether I'm going to work for a lawyer, a hispanic organization, or Karen Patwa this summer. Clothes-swapping. Reading. Walking. Harp playing. My iPod is freaking out. Maple candy and buttered bagels and summer sausage sandwiches. Meeting my tutor at Starbucks and talking about literature instead of math. Recurring impulse to call Harry just to hear him on the other end. Going to sleep late becuase my parents are out seeing Tom Verlaine without me. Donating clothes to thrift shops to make way for new ones.

All wonderfully unremarkable. Soft and sweet times. Summer is back.

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