Thursday, April 20

Today was kickass. Got back into my yoga groove, sang a bunch, went to a sample sale that LK recommended me where I didn't buy anything but made some great sketches of stuff to make when my finals are over. As predicted, my Their Eyes Were Watching God essay kicked ass, earning me an A four periods after I turned it in and sparking a big debate in the English office about whether or not it was valid to treat the rabid dog as a metaphor. Sarah and Maria initially said that it wasn't, and Donovan and Mr. Schwartz defended it; then Sarah got converted by Donovan and Maria backed down a bit. Then Sarah reread my essay and realized that I'd included several of their arguments and modified her own comments.

I've been identifying literary terms left and right in everything I read and hear lately as a means of preparing myself for the AP English test. It's fun because the words are so cool, like trope and zeugma and meiosis and anagnorisis and synaesthesia. I really like the fact that at this point I've made my scheduling decisions well enough that I'm interested in all of my finals (except biology) and actually enjoy preparing for my SAT II's and tests and stuff. Especially my history paper, which is going to kick ass, mark my words.

Someone anonymously wrote that all public displays of art are pleas for approval, which can be seen as a negative or positive thing, and included my blog in that generalization this morning. That was quite true of this page for a while. But it's not any more. I write because I want to, and I write in ways that I know a lot of people won't read. I just like it. It's definately not art. It's just little daily thoughts. Take them as you will, if you enjoy them, and leave if you don't. Life's too short for sites that you don't enjoy.

And that's the last thing I'm going to say about blogging. Period.

I feel so tired... my lips almost ache envisioning the kiss I've missed for weeks (synaesthesia, and accidentally, but I'm too tired to think of a better word). Damn colleges and finals!

1 New Ideas

New Ideas:
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

hyperbole - you can't actually damn colleges or finals :p
...okay, so it's a weak example of one...
have a great weekend!

6:23 AM  

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