Tuesday, February 8

Hard Times in New York Town

I made this list at the height of my frustration around yesterday, and I thought I'd post it because I can't think of anything that better expresses my opinions. As a prior disclaimer, however, I'm not writing this to get sympathy or comfort-- I just feel like venting, and you, like Lennon's audience, are the unlucky recipients of the blunt end of my anger and frustration. I actually edited this list quite a bit because I didn't want to unintentionally insult anyone.

Things That Piss Me Off
>>Being treated like a kid, or differently from people I hang out with, because I'm younger
>>When I snap at people for no reason (which usually almost never happens... this last week has been tough.)
>>Harry haven stolen my template (I don't really care about this one, I just wanted to remind him subtly to change it. Guess it's too late for subtlty now... ah, well.)
>>Feeling indelicate and unfemenine
>>When people don't like my twisted black ink drawings, or look at me like I'm insane when I finish them
>>Being just a face to people
>>Feeling ready to drown/cry at Barnes and Noble and embarrassing myself
>>My conversational awkwardness
>>That I have so much junk and people don't accept it when I try to give it to them
>>Everyone's inability to understand the pressure I'm under
>>Coming up with fitting blog aliases. I've decided to give up and just say what I mean.
>>Being called cute. I hate cute.
>>Jealousy. At the risk of completely killing the topic, it really is a motherfucking bitch.
>>Obsessions with ethnicities and sexualities (homo, metro, british, asian, hispanic, etc.), a crime that I'm extremely hypocritically guilty of.
>>Triple-booking my weekends and doing stuff I don't want to do on week days
>>People who don't make clear whether they like me or not.
>>Having lost all my St. Mark's Place connections and habits
>>Not having been to the Reading Room for ages, and thus not having seen Matt (no longer Jack 2) or Chloe or Zack for weeks
>>Bram's class
>>My grades in Bram's class
>>My grades in Mr. Schubert's class
>>That I hung up on Elena when she needed me
>>That I have to take Sue Steckel's math thing over Spring Break and am going to be all alone during it.
>>Ms. Daly, her class, her advisory, and the fact that she hates me because I know more Bob Dylan lyrics than her.
>>The pimples on my forehead
>>People who get depressed EVERY DAY and expect to be comforted ALL THE TIME and stopped from jumping out the window every other week.
>>People who really don't get depressed every day and help me when I'm upset and never ask much of me except for every now and then, and I just have to fuck it up and not know how to comfort them when they're upset
>>douchebag. Because he is, and I don't want to do him the honor of printing his name in my beautiful blog.
>>Having been a C cup in fifth grade and being an E now. I know it sounds lovely, but it really isn't. At all.
>>These damned arrows. I don't know how to get bullet points.
>>Fighting with my parents, even though I'm doing it right now. I fucking hate it, and I can't stop it. It just gets worse.
>>Being thought of as a druggie even though I'm not, and getting yelled at by Ava for smoking when I've never even had one puff in my whole life.
>>Being repeatedly asked to join Quaker Leadership

Things That DON'T Piss Me Off
>>Harry, who is always forgiving and loving and holds me tenderly and kisses away my scars and would never hurt me, even though I'm a bitch sometimes (as in this whole past week).
>>People who write things about me in their blogs. Anything at all, really. I just like being included. Praised is good, too...
>>People who don't care how old I am.
>>Feeling like I made someone feel good or enriched their life in some ways, if only minimally.
>>People who are really good poets and like the songs that I am most embarrassed about having penned, and always cheer me up when I call them, sometimes unintentionally.
>>Knowing how to link! Thank you again, Laura dear.
>>Days when I don't fight with my parents.
>>Doing well in English.

2 New Ideas

New Ideas:
Blogger Harris Wolf thinks...

Wooow... long list Veronica... Don't know if I could think of that much stuff. (I didn't steal your templaaaate! ok... I'ma gonna go change it now ok? (and cute can be good... it just needs to be taken in context.))

That's alot of stress to blow off...

yay! I'm on the list of good things! yay!

And... veronica... remember... forgiveness is a virtue.

Let me list the ways I love you-Bogo-San

8:32 PM  
Blogger VVM thinks...

i would agree with a very very large majority of those annoying things. I wasn't on your list of does not annoy you things :o( I'll try to be less annoying. Actually... i don't think i'm capable of not being annoying... which is rather annoying. By the way you snap at mom and dad all the time for no reason... but other than that i would agree w/ everything. I think you need to work on longening (ignore vocab) the list of things that make you happy... music, literature, good food etc.

5:31 PM  

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