Friday, December 16

Okay, I lied. I did pretty well on my PSATs. And yesterday at Pratt with Harry's friends and some middle eastern food and beer and snow was so much fun! I was my old, happy, laughing self again, the person Harry loves and I love, and it was lovely. I've resolved not to be depressed over this break, since all the things that were opressing me will be gone.

I'm finally picking up my glasses today! I also promised Harry I'd see Kong and Narnia with him, and go ice-skating with some of his friends, and take Spike shopping, so it's looking like an eventful two-week break.

I'll add more on later, or just post again. It's 8:16 and I have to get to school and bring salsa music for my spanish class.

3 New Ideas

New Ideas:
Blogger Harris Wolf thinks...


Didn't you do like close to PERFECT on your SAT's?

bad girl. BAD.


yay I want to see narnia and king kong right now!

~loveee.... Me.

8:16 AM  
Blogger Sophie thinks...

That sounds like an incredible break. I will be in South America, so when you hear from me next, I will be much tanner and possibly pregnant.

2:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

hi. i haven't talked to you in a while. oh and woah, this blog has changed. its all different background-y. and excuse me, but high school vagrant? can i see some credentials? yeah. word. and also, dude, i read the past few posts. and i know this is like, how you always are, but its like, way skitzo yo. its like depressed, happy, depressed, happy, depressed, then happy. seriously. this shows that u seriously need to chill with me. or smoke some pot, or something. but first you need to chill with me. you've got chill issues, dude, don't deny it! and i gotta like, fix them. will you please call me like, for once? that would be good. i called you like 80 times the other day and ur parents were like "i'll tell her you called" and you like, never called me ever. seriously, wtf. i need to talk to you. cuz i also have shit to tell you. like where the fuck is hally. is she alive? i haven't heard from her in months. bah. i need to TALK to you. also, psats are shit. who gives a fuck? i don't. noone else does. so like, dont go all "i did mediocre" and then "ok no, i did well," cuz it doesn't matter. actually, stop going "i suck, life's a poo" and then "no, scratch that, i actually kick some serious ass." your blogs are very very like, one thing then the next-y. oh and also, dude, you have a mad crazy senior complex. relax about the seniors being gone. you've like, been going crazy about them forever. in one of the posts u were like ah, i saw rie and it was all indimidatey-full. its like, dude, rie's like, 5 seconds older than you. what's the difference. and like, you still have friends at school, so its not a big deal that people are gone. and i know, i know, you're saying "you dont understand" but when you think about it, your life is really good so please like, be thankful for it. and i know harry's gone and that sucks, but like, its ok. life isn't too bad. so chill. please chill. stop worrying me. oh and i know that this post was fine and good-spirited but this is mostly a reaction to the past ones. and this little comment may have seemed a little icky or mean at points but like, you know i love you, (even like, when i'm mad at you - which isn't now, but like, u know what i'm saying) so like, yeah, lets chill and talk. lets do another one of those things we did the other day. lets walk in soho again. or not. its really fucking cold. oh and what do you want for christmas? you must tell me. i heart you duuuude! i am going to call you and we're going to chill whether you like it or not.

11:43 PM  

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