Monday, April 3

It feels really good to know that your sister knows you better than anyone else does and still really respects you.

Hermiting myself for a while gave me a certain independence that I've come to value a lot recently, which is based on the belief that other people's perceptions of me do not in any way define me. With that knowledge comes a rich Emersonian freedom.

Tell me your character! I like new ideas.

10 New Ideas

New Ideas:
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

Here's a character. She's full of herself and has the ability to blog and only make friends with losers.

4:44 PM  
Blogger Harris Wolf thinks...

Man... V, your blog is attracting all sorts of social degenerates lately...

maybe you should make it so only people you know can post.

Honestly I sorta wonder if it's just one person, or a few people that just happened to find the blog at the same time.

maybe it's a group of people who are all related and interbreeding with eachother so much so that they act as *one unified miiind* and since the interbreeding has brought out all the recessive traits that aren't really helpful for them to survive normally...

they all have six fingers.

5:18 PM  
Blogger VVM thinks...

Yeah, really... what's up with the anonymous hatefulness? Do I know you? I'm not going to change anything about my blog or comment system, so you can leave all the anonymous messages you want, but don't expect any more reactions out of me. I'm sick of this stuff and I'm better than that.

And my friends ROCK.

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

People tend to be jealous of other people who are more confident than they. And you, dear, have tons of confidence...the more you get, the more these comments seem to pop up. So take it as a sign of you being uberly awesome.


6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

Hi, I posted the original "hate-mail" comment and I just want to let you know that I did NOT post that last comment. There may be more than one person who posts anonymously on your blog.

7:29 PM  
Blogger Harris Wolf thinks...


Are you going to go through a *magical* metamorphasis where you turn from one of the minor antagonists into a somewhat important protagonist?

by the way. I'm not actually being cynical. Post here more often under your name and I'm sure you'll be exempt from any Zachary (or other) hatred.

I'm sure if you read this blog somewhat consistantly you don't hate the *whole* thing.

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

Veronica-here's something interesting you may want to check out. From Rosie O'Donnell's blog-comment policy: "Obviously, this blog is open to the public, so think about what you include in your comments. Don’t include anything in a comment that you would like to keep private. For personal safety reasons, please DO NOT include any personal information (e.g., full name, address, phone number, etc.) about you or anyone else." And, "Disagreement and respectful differences of opinion are welcome, hate speech and name calling are not." I think your blog is an interesting study, but other people may disagree and as this is a public forum, may comment negatively. And anonomously. It's nice that your friends leap to defend you, but the name calling is getting a little ugly. Do you really need that kind of defense?
a reader

7:58 PM  
Blogger VVM thinks...

Firstly, I'm not responsible for my friends' actions and did not ask any of them to write what they wrote. Secondly, I virtually said the same thing: you can leave all the anonymous messages you want, but don't expect any more reactions out of me. Thirdly, I don't like Rosie O'Donnell that much. And there's no "difference of opinion" in the first few comments I recieved; they fall pretty neatly under the category of "hate speech."

Also, I write for my friends. Many of them don't have blogger accounts and have to comment anonymously, but I don't give my URL to people I don't know.

So my statement stands: you can write whatever you want on my blog. I prefer differences of opinion to hate-speech, but that's your call. But if I don't think you made a point, I'm not going to respond. Anyone else who feels otherwise or wants to respond is free to do so. I didn't intend for my site to become a public forum, but it looks like it has, so I'll step out and let comments that don't really pertain to me remain removed.

4:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

if you didn't want your blog to be a public forum, you shouldn't have posted it ON THE INTERNET. on that note: no one wants to hear about you expelling womb lining through your vagina.

you could just say "don't read this if you don't like it" but oh. it is too funny.

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous thinks...

I was just trying to be helpful earlier. Like it or not, this is a public forum and you are opening yourself up to comments from strangers. You can set the tone on your blog, if you choose to do so. In any event, good luck to you.
a reader

1:41 PM  

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